Art Library of the State Russian Museum


Publications of 1997 ] Publications of 1998 ] Publications 1999 ] Publications 2000 ] "Palace Editions" 2001 ] "Palace Editions" 2002 (1) ] "Palace Editions" 2002 (2) ] "Palace Editions" 2003 ] Publications2004 ] Publications2005 ] "Palace Editions" 2006 ] Publications2007 ] Publications2008 ]

[ 1997 (part 1) ] 1997 (part 2) ]

Monographs, books, albums

Catalogues of the collection

General catalogue. The 20th century (A - B). Vol. 8. / Editor-in-chief: Y.Petrova; executive editor of the volume: A.Dmitrenko, V.Lenyashin; Authors: A.Antonova, N.Barabanova, E.Basner, N.Bolshakova, V.Galieva, A.Dmitrenko, P.Klimov, V.Knyazeva, G.Krechina, V.Kruglov, A.Lyubimova, A.Nizamutdinova, E.Shilova, O.Shikhireva, I.Shuvalova, E.Yakovleva; Authors of the references: L.Konova, E.Kochetova, E.Yakovleva. - St.-Petersburg: Palace Edition, 1997.

Catalogues, booklets, advertising prospects, exhibition editions

Alexander Ignatjev: Exhibition edition / Editor-in-chief: Y.Petrova; Authors of the opening article: I.V.Sosnovtseva, M.V.Zakharova, I.Y.Boguslavskaya. - St.-Petersburg: Palace edition, 1997. - (Russian, English and German editions)

Mstjora art

Mstjora art: Exhibition edition / Authors of the opening article: M.V.Zakharova, I.Y.Boguslavskaya. - St.-Petersburg: Palace Edition, 1997. - (Russian, English and German editions)

Color red in Russian art

Color red in Russian art: Exhibition edition / Editor-in-chief and author of the preface: Y.Petrova; Article authors: J.Kiblitsky, T.Vilinbakhova; Idea of the exhibition: J.Kiblitsky. - St.-Petersburg: Palace Edition, 1997. - (Russian and English editions)

Russian monasteries. Art and tradition

Russian monasteries. Art and tradition: Exhibition edition / Commentary to the edition: Y.Petrova; Authors of the annotations: T.Vilinbakhova, L.Likhachjova, A.Maltseva, T.Petrenko, N.Pivovarova, I.Pleshanova, I.Solovjova, I.Sosnovtseva, N.Turtsova, M.Fedoseeva, I.Shalina, E.Stolbova, P.Klimov, S.Krivodenchenkov, I.Shuvalova, L.Bolshakova, A.Dmitrenko, O.Kaparulina, V.Pudova, N.Solomatina, S.Borodina, O.Vlasova, E.Mishina, Y.Khod'ko, E.Ivanova, L.Obukhova, I.Polyakova. - St.-Petersburg: Palace Edition, 1997. - (Russian and English editions)

Mark Shagall and his surroundings

Mark Shagall and his surroundings: Edition to the Finnish exhibition / Author of the opening article: Y.N.Petrova. - St.-Petersburg: Palace Edition, 1997. - (Finnish and English texts)

Russian patchwork: Exhibition edition /Editor-in-chief: Y.Petrova; Author of the opening article and writer (compiler?): M.A.Sorokina. - St.-Petersburg: Palace Edition, 1997. - (Russian, English and German editions)

Collected works, conference materials of the State Russian Museum

Pages of national art history: 10th -20th century. The third issue. /Editor-in-chief: Y.Petrova - St.-Petersburg: Palace Edition, 1997. - (Table of contents: I.D.Solovyeva. Psalter frontispiece of 1424 from the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery, p.4-15; N.V.Pivovarova. About the fresco fragments collection of Old Russian temples from the Russian Museum. P.16-26; M.A.Alexeeva. Jean Louis Devilie, his assistant Mikhaylo Makheev and Stephano Torelli: "Catherine II coronation in Uspensky cathedral", p.27-35; E.I.Gavrilova. About miniature-painter A.F.Viollie, p.36-43; A.V.Maximova. A.D.Saltykov drawings (new attributions), p.44-55; E.V.Karpova. Sculptural portraits made by A.A. and V.A.Perovsky. New attributions, p.56-66; V.F.Kruglov. Elizaveta Kruglikova, the first Russian follower of P.Gauguin, p.67-79; L.V.Korotkina. To the question of N.K.Rerikh's sketches made for the A.M.Remizov's play "Tragedy of Judas, the Iscariot prince", p.80-90; N.G.Zvenigorodskaya. Theatrical constructivism ideas in works of A.M.Rohom, V.M.Yustitsky, N.I.Simon in Saratov 1918-1923, p.91-101; E.V.Evseeva. To the question of two reliefs from the collection of Soviet sculpture from the Russian Museum, p.102-107; T.B.Manturova. The role of closely-related(?) arts in creative process, p.108-112; A.A.Kurbanivsky. Some tendencies of contemporary art of our own country by the example of St.-Petersburg art life, p.113-130; O.V.Turkina. Art and ideology: relations in Petersburg contemporary art, p.131-144; S.V.Sirro. Perspectives of using RFA for paper analysis, p.145-147.

Educational activity of art museum. Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The State Russian Museum. The Academy of Education of the Russian Federation. North-western department. To the centenary of the State Russian Museum (Works of the Russian scientific-practical center on museum pedagogic problems). The 5th issue. - St.-Petersburg, 1997. - (Contents: B.A.Stolyarov. From the history of museum educational activity, p.6-15; N.A.Yakovleva. Mute contemplation as focus of work with art work in terms of museum exposition, p.16-25; S.G.Maslova. First meetings of children under school age with fine arts, p.26-33; E.V.Ivanova. Humanitarian ideas and man ideal in fine arts (Method recommendations for teachers conducting lessons with pupils of the 6th-8th grades), p.34-53; N.A.Alexeeva. Problem aspects of including architectural monuments in frame of Petersburg schools educational courses, p.54-65;
A.G.Boyko. Problems of contemporary art culture. Methodical basis of educational course program, p.66-74; V.M.Akhunov. TEMPLE (biblical motives in forming of temple image), p.75-85; N.D.Reva. Didactic exhibition "Lessons of the craftsmanship. Principles of teaching drawing and painting in pedagogical tradition of P.P.Chistyakov and V.E.Savinsky", p.86-97; O.M.Kissel'. Topical problems of educational computerization", p.98-106; S.V.Fokin. Structural and methodical aspects of interactive technologies in museum pedagogical process (by the example of the program "Masterpieces of the State Russian Museum"), p.107-116; S.B.Goryunova. "To the question of using modern computer technologies and the Internet in artistic education, p.117-124.

Petersburg readings - 97. Association of St.-Petersburg investigators: Materials  of encyclopedic library "St.-Petersburg - 2003 (The State Russian Museum is one of the conference organizers). - St.-Petersburg, 1997. - (Contents: E.I.Gavrilova. Unpublished plan of the Sheremetevs' podvorje (church in town) on the Fontanka riiver, p.30-31; E.A.Mishina. St.-Petersburg in the work of Russian engraver G.I.Skorodumov, p.48-50; N.I.Uvarova. Forgotten Petersburg artist Ivan Philippovich Tupyliov, p.65-68; Y.M.Khod'ko. Copper-plate engravings, sent from Moscow, in the Alexandro-Nevsky monastery editions of 1736-1740, p.72-74; N.M.Shtrimer. E.E.Reytern's collection in the State Russian Museum, p.137-139; S.O.Kuznetsov, A.V.Maximova. New materials concerning the life of Stroganovs' dacha (a cottage in the country) in the 19th century, p. 154-157; Y.V.Trubinov. Neyman's house and the Stroganov palace, p.175-176; A.E.Ukhnalev. History of the Marble Palace facades, p.177-179; N.M.Shtrimer. Symbolic component of "Panorama of the Nevsky prospect" by V.S.Sadovnikov, p.396-398; Y.B.Demidenko. V.V.Voinov's arts and crafts works (About an interior of the modern epoch), p.425-426; V.F.Kruglov. St.-Petersburg palaces in Russian painting and graphics of the 18th- beginning of the 20th century, p.445-447; L.A.Obukhova. Three monuments of ornamental carving of the 18th -19th centuries from the Bolsheokhtinsky churches of St.-Petersburg in the State Russian Museum collection, p.461-462; A.V.Maximova. Books in artist's house (V.E.Savinsky's library), p.581-583; M.B.Barabanova. The Summer Garden in social and cultural aspect (the theme of erotic culture), p.620-622; S.V.Kulikova. Six drawings by I.S.Kulikov in the collection "Tenth anniversary of "Vena" ("Vienna") restaurant", p.644-648.

Collected materials of All-Russian jubilee conference: Educational arts museum and modern artistic process. Commemorating the 50th anniversary of recreation of the Leningrad artistic and industrial school and its museum (former the Baron A.L.Shtiglitz's central school of technical drawing). The St.-Petersburg state artistic and industrial academy. The State Hermitage. The State Russian Museum. /Editors-in-chief: E.N.Guseva, E.O.Kalugina. - St.-Petersburg, 1997. - (Contents: L.D.Likhachiova. Works of sewing from the Shtiglitz's museum in the Russian Museum collection, p.116-124; I.Shalina. p.153-164; A.V.Maximova. Seat of the artistic school traditions (V.E.Savinsky, T.V.Savinskaya, I.V.Balakova), p.165-176; M.Kostritz. p.222-281; E.N.Guseva. Museum of the St.-Petersburg state artistic and industrial academy. Problems of legal status and financing, p.291-296)

Theses of the conference dedicated to the results of scientific research work in 1996. - St.-Petersburg, 1997.

Monographs, books, albums

The State Russian Museum is hundred years old. Russia, St.-Petersburg: Calendar 1998 / Editor-in-chief: Y.Petrova; Publisher and artistic design: J.Kiblitsky. - St.-Petersburg: Palace Edition, 1997. - (Parallel Russian and English texts)


[ 1997 (part 1) ] 1997 (part 2) ]

Publications of 1997 ] Publications of 1998 ] Publications 1999 ] Publications 2000 ] "Palace Editions" 2001 ] "Palace Editions" 2002 (1) ] "Palace Editions" 2002 (2) ] "Palace Editions" 2003 ] Publications2004 ] Publications2005 ] "Palace Editions" 2006 ] Publications2007 ] Publications2008 ] 
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